Monday, December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving πŸ¦ƒ

     On my Thanksgiving, we had the usual food we had, such like: Eggroll, Turkey, ham, Curry, noodle, etc. The grownups danced to some Cambodian music, the kids (including me) stayed in my aunts room (we were at our grandmas house). I played my flute with my cousin— let’s call her Ava, who also plays the flute, my brother brung his clarinet and our uncle brung his guitar for my brother and cousin. My other cousin— let’s call him Pirate— made a game we played and won prizes such like: pocky, Cheetos, marshmallows, etc.
     After we finished playing the game, we started playing cup pong, I won $40. But then our uncle gave us a lecture on attire, and it made me sad because I wanted to be comfortable for thanksgiving. And then these two kids came, let’s call them Arron and the other Kaleb. Kaleb was rude, while Arron was okay, but annoying. Kaleb kept cursing at me and my brother while Arron kept questioning me. Then we played cup pong again, I earned $20. Then we went outdoors to play a game. Didn’t go so well. Then everyone left, besides Pirate and Ava. I asked my dad to stay at my grandparents house until tomorrow, he said yes. 
     Then the next day... me, my brother, and cousins played PokΓ©mon Showdown. Then we got bored and began playing hide and seek. 
     Then we left and my siblings and parents went to the mall (which had a movie theater in it) and watched Frozen 2 (which was amazing by the way). And then we went home.
     I hope you enjoyed reading my thanksgiving. Bye.